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This plugin filters posts by tags and/or categories. It allows to filter posts for the main page as well as for a particular page. You can set up a filter for any page but it’ll work only if you’ve placed the shortcode at that page. There is also the possibility to turn off the filter for a particular page not losing the page’s filter settings.

You can download this plugin here. Read more about this plugin below.

The plugin filters posts by three ways:

  1. Category,
  2. Tag,
  3. both Category and Tag.

Few notes about the plugin’s behavior

  • the plugin outputs post if and only if the post has at least one category that is marked in plugin’s settings page,
  • the plugin outputs post if and only if the post contains at least one tag that is marked in plugin’s settings page,
  • the plugin outputs post “by category and tag” if and only if the post has the category and the tag that are marked in plugin’s settings page.

You can set the number of posts per page for a particular page. By default, “Posts per page” (Settings → Reading) option is used.


You need to place the shortcode to make the filter work at the particular page. With that shortcode you can also setup some options. Here is how it looks by default:


This way, the plugin filters posts using it’s default settings or settings defined in plugin’s settings page. Here is the full writing of the shortcode:

[wppf heading_tag=”h2” heading_class=”entry-title” content_tag=”div” content_class=”entry-content” per_page=”10”]

There is no necessity to write all the parameters in the shortcode.

Parameters definition:

  • heading_tag — html tag for the post title. h2 by default,
  • heading_class — css style for the post title. entry-title by default,
  • content_tag — html tag for the post excerpt. div by default,
  • content_class — css style for the post excerpt. entry-content by default,
  • per_page — number of items per page. Settings → Reading “Posts per page” or 10 by default.

Feel free to comment, suggest etc. You can also start a discussion topic about the plugin here. Feel free to use issue tracker if you find bugs or want new features to be implemented. If you want to translate this plugin to your language, you can take wp-posts-filter.pot file (located in the root directory of the plugin) as the basis for translation. Contact me if you want your translation to be included into the plugin.